Ms. Scott's Blog

"Use what talents you possess. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke

Earth Rangers!

We had an amazing presentation from the Earth Rangers on Tuesday! They always bring 4 live animals with them to show the school and talk about.

The first animal was the Crimson Rumped Toucanet named Chavez.

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Next came Hugo the skunk who was fortunately descented!

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The third animal was Leonard, an American kestrel, who flew across the gym on command from the presenter to the perch across the room.


Mrs. Pasiechnyk and Mr. Chris battled a couple grade 3 students in a round of trivia about the five animals the Earth Rangers have chosen this year to focus on for fundraising and habitat rehabilitation.

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Finally they brought out the fourth animal, Nakiri the peregrine falcon. Nakiri also made a flight across the gym.img_6470


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All About Bats!

We started off our week with a visit from Batty Patty of CBEEN. We learned about the different adaptations of bats for the types of food they eat, the sizes of the smallest and largest bats, echolocation and how many mosquitoes a single bat can eat in an hour!

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We are trying to see if we can flap our wings 20 times in 1 second like a bat can. It took us 8.5 seconds to flap our arms 20 times!img_6439Patty told us about how bats use their senses. A fruit bat will have small ears, but large eyes while a bat that feeds on insects will have larger ears in order to use echolocation.
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We found out that a single bat can eat up to 600 mosquitoes in an hour. That’s the equivalent of us eating 20 pizzas in one night!


Patty brought different stations for us to rotate through.


This one is different sets of wings for the kids to try on.

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This station included preserved bats (in glass frames), pictures of bat and a bat house.

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This station had various sizes of felt bats that represented the different sizes of weights of bat species.img_6446 img_6455

And this station had plastic bats for the kids to play with as well as a bat detector that helps detect, record and identify bat species.

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Patty left a craft behind for us. We got to make our own little bats our of paper, googly eyes and clothespins.

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Leaf Science

We did a little science experiment using leaves, rubbing alcohol, coffee filters and my Magic Bullet!

First we found as many different colours of leaves as we could on a nature walk. We ended up finding dark red, green, yellow and orange-brown. Next we took each separate colour and group by group put them in the cup for my Magic Bullet and I added rubbing alcohol. I turned on the Magic Bullet & chopped up the leaves.


We ended up with four beakers of chopped up leaves and added a coffee filter that just touched the top of the leaves.


We let them sit for a couple of days to see what would happen. We noticed that the colour of the leaves traveled up the coffee filter. Some leaves separated out into different colour bands. We’re going to try this again in the spring to see if we get the same results!


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October 17th: Firefighter Visit

The firefighters came to visit our class on Monday October 17th! This year their focus was on smoke detectors and changing the batteries.

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They talked to our class about not hiding from firefighters even if they’re scared because they are there to help! And to make sure they yell as loud as possible to say “I’m here!” so the firefighters can hear them over their breathing apparatus, the fire and any other noises. We got to practice shouting it as loud as we could!


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Finally we got to go outside and check out the fire truck.


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All kids got their own fire safety booklet with a map grid so they can plan out their escape route at home and decide on a family meeting place.

Please send in the ballots to win an iPad and return in their planner!

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Garden Harvest

It was pretty chilly outside, but we had a lot of fun harvesting the carrots from the garden yesterday! Many students told me that they have helped out with harvesting fruits or vegetables from their home gardens. Some kids lost interest pretty quickly, but others were helping out until the very end! Some even asked if we could come out again to finish up 🙂 On Monday, the plan is to get back out there and divide up the potatoes and carrots so everyone in our school gets to take something home from our school’s first garden season!
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Look at our dirty hands! Sorry about the dirty coats that came home! It was for a good cause!


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Our first visit to Garden View Village!

We went over to Garden View Village for our visit. Before going over, we read the story “Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge” which is a story about a young boy helping his 96 year old friend Miss Nancy Alison Delacourt Cooper help her find her memories. I read this story to let the kids know that sometimes our senior friends won’t always remember that they have met us before, but that’s okay because we will remember them.

When we went over to Garden View, we talked about how this is home for a whole bunch of people so we need to be respectful by talking quietly and walking. We also learned which doors we come in and where we put our coats. We noticed that some of our friends use walkers or wheelchairs so it is important for us to walk down the side of the hallways rather than the middle.

After getting all that information out of the way, we went downstairs to meet our senior friends at coffee time. Many students felt nervous about meeting so many new people, but our senior friends were so happy to have us there. Students were welcome to go around the table and introduce themselves.

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Then we sang a few of our favourite songs “Donkeys like to munch on carrots”, “Zoom, zoom, zoom” and “Elephants have wrinkles”. We got a big round of applause when we finished.

We finished up with a tour of the main floor and second floor. The kids thought it was great that they have their own hair salon, library and games room!

A big thank you for my 2 parent volunteers, Terri and Ginnesa, for walking over with us!

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Choice Time Fun!

Just some random pictures from this morning of what the kids do during morning choice time!

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Bus Safety

Bus drivers Glen and Wanda came to our school last Monday to talk about the different safety features of the buses and the rules to follow to help keep us safe.

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Nature Walks

We’ve gone on a number of nature walks to notice the signs of Fall or to collect leaves for our different classroom activities.

Walking with the grade 2s to find the colours of the rainbow.


On a neighbourhood walk to find leaves for our Fox Leaves art project.

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Making patterns from objects in nature. So far we’re focusing on A-B patterns. Ask your child if they used size of leaf, type of leaf or leaf/pine cone for their pattern.

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Graphing and All About Me

We spent quite a bit of time going through our “I Am Special” booklet to help build awareness of what makes each of us special, but different. The great thing with Kindergarten is that we can make so many interconnections between subjects just through one activity. I’ve included some photos of the graphing we did using our frog name tags.

Hair Colour


Favourite Colour


Eye Colour



Number of Letters in our Names


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